Thanksgiving and the month of November have vanished and December has arrived and is not slowing down. 

Here we are after the Martha Stewart Dinner that Phil, Megan & Ricki prepared. Ricki's sister & Megan's brother, as well as fello P & B student Hiro & his wife were among the guests.
Only 5 days until a two and a half week break from classes. The intensity of this last week and the week that is to come make me long for the break desperately. The days seem to be blurring together as of late in a crazy way.
I've learned so many different things and am thrilled to be making president's list in all of my classes! Below are just a few of the fabulous things made as of late.

Charlotte Royal
Pecan infused Creme Carmel with Carmel garnish
Another version of the pecan creme caramel...
Apple Turnovers with passion fruit coulis & creme anglaise garnish.
And Brioche...
We're doing mousse cakes and frozen desserts next week so more pictures will come. I'm happy to say I will be going to Houston for a week over christmas to see my mom, brother & (practically sister in law) Melissa. I can't wait.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
mmmMMMmmmm...I want to be roomies with you....