Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Year!

Happy Sunday one and all it is the last day of January 2010 and I am finally breaking down and doing a new blog posting. Things are changing and rapidly. I survived cakes class which there will be some pics to come -- my friend Stephanie from class has this amazing slr digital camera that she has been letting me use to take pictures of my stuff....and my pictures are now more my quality "edgy" type photos of food that my cybershot was just not equipped to take. But I still love her.

Now where are these delicious photos you say?

That's just it, they are on her camera as I keep forgetting to bring a flash drive to school for her to put them on. Hence why it is the 31st of January vs. the 1st of January that this update is occurring-- I was waiting for the pictures....and couldn't wait any longer!

I went to Houston for Christmas to visit my brother, mom & brother's girlfriend-- visiting the family was the highlight of the trip and I also got a special visit to the emergency room to get my lip stitched back together the night before christmas made two boys cringe if that tells you anything of the looks of it & the doctor even had quite a face about her when she looked at it :) The fun part of that, and if you've ever had stitches in your face somewhere you know they cover you up so you can't really see BUT it's one hell of a puppet show let me tell you! It was so hard not to laugh as she was stitching me up because it was such a cliche` hand shadow with a needle & thread in hand. Awesome. So after eating soft solids for two weeks I had lamb to celebrate on New Years day & it kicked some tail.

My return to Portland was great and I didn't get near what I wanted to accomplished before being thrust back into the hustle and bustle of 4:30am rise and shine followed by anywhere from 9 to 13 hours a day at school/work :) So if you're ever wondering why I forgot to send a birthday card or why I didn't call back....take a peek at the schedule and you have your answer :P If you require in detail a mad hatter spread sheet it could be yours... but only upon request.

As for classes-- they're going well. Crazy, but well. Cakes was a bit stressful & we are on to plated desserts now.

After one hellacious week of things going a bit south both in & out of class, I feel this morning I have the attitude of "it's sunday-- a new day, in a new week & tomorrow is a new month in the new lets make the best of it."

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope your February is a great one & all the months that follow only get better :)

Pictures to come soon, I promise :)

yours in cake,
Court oxo